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Kyoto Graduate Union of Religious Studies (K-GURS)

In Kyoto, where Japanese historical culture constitutes an integral part of the community, Buddhism and other traditional religions affect the everyday life of citizens in a variety of ways. The unique role and effects of religions for Kyoto continue to draw much attention.

Kyoto is home to many universities that offer specialized courses in religious studies. Accordingly, we see great significance in establishing a comprehensive academic network that links Kyoto-based graduate schools and educational institutions specializing in religious studies, and in making this network accessible from all over the world, thus inspiring and encouraging students and researchers in this field, both inside and outside of Japan. For this reason, the Kyoto Graduate Union of Religious Studies (K-GURS) was established in 2004. From 2006, a unit-exchange program was introduced among the member universities.

Students and Scholars from around the world can use the academic network formed among the prominent Graduate Schools of Buddhism studies, as well as the study resources on monotheistic religions at Doshisha School of Theology.

Member Schools of K-GURS

Graduate School of Literature, Bukkyo University
Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University
Graduate School of Letters, Hanazono University
Graduate School of Literature, Koyasan University
Graduate School of Letters, Otani University
Graduate School of Letters, Ryukoku University
Faculty of Buddhism, Shuchiin University