Teruaki MORIYAMA, Professor

History of Muslim Societies, Islamic Intellectuals (Ulama) in the Pre-Modern West Asian Muslim Society,
Born in 1973. Grew up in Kita ward, Tokyo. Graduated from Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University (1996). Completed the master’s course in history at the Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University (M.A. History, 1999), and the doctoral course in the Asian studies at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo (Ph.D. Letter, 2009). Worked as chercheur Associé, Institut Français d’Études Arabes de Damas (2001-2003), Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2006-2009), Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (2010-2013). Join in School of Theology, Doshisha University since April 2013.
As a researcher of positivist historiography, I study on the intellectual activities and social influence of the Hadith scholars (Muhaddithun) in the Classical Islamic Period (10-13th centuries A.D.) West Asia. The source materials I analyze are different kinds of literature that the Hadith scholars compiled in the field of their speciality, like as biographical dictionary of Hadith transmitters and scholars, articles about methodology to estimate authenticity of hadith, or dictation of lecture which they preached toward ordinary Muslims. Through those analysis, I intend to discuss about historical reality of Ulama including Hadith scholars sterically, linking their two faces; (1) religious intellectuals who devoted themselves to divine knowledge and academic effort, (2) patricians who had strong influence upon and were involved in local Muslim societies and their indigenous interests.
Based on that study, I conduct classes concerning Koran, Hadith, Islamic cultures and Muslim societies.
I am also interested in the contemporary situations around Muslims through participation in the Islamic Area Studies research project as well as experience at The Japan Institute of International Affairs, which is an independent think-tank to research and advise on contemporary international issues and foreign policy under the supervision of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.